kansas city caledonian pipe band

pipeband in kansas city kansas

kansas city caledonian pipe band

pipeband in kansas city kansas

The Kansas City 150th Anniversary Legacy Fund is supporting festivals and arts that represent the city’s past, present, and future.

The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation chose the Kansas City Caledonian Pipe Band to compose an original march for the event.

The 4/4 march currently titled The Kansas City Caledonian Pipe Band Celebrates The Kansas City Sesquicentennial is now in the hands of our playing members. The band will perform the march at Business After Hours on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 9th and Central at 6 p.m.. Business After Hours is sponsored by The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. Pipe Major Jon Hartsock will present a framed copy of his march to Kansas City Mayor, Kay Barnes at the event.

The stirring sounds of the Kansas City Caledonian Pipe Band have inspired countless listeners since our founding in 1981.

We are a non-profit organization that provides performances and educational presentations for area churches, schools, charitable organizations, businesses, and individuals.

Your support will help us continue to bring the art, history, and tradition of the Scottish Great Highland Bagpipes and Drums to the Greater Kansas City area. You can help us in several ways.

Website preview for www.kcpipeband.org



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